The genesis of 3-2 Music Publishing was the result of establishing my Latin jazz class at Roosevelt High School (Fresno) in the early eighties. It was the first high school Latin jazz class to exist as part of a regular high school music curriculum. After building up a modest library of material, the idea of starting 3-2 Music Publishing began in 1992. The 3-2 Music Publishing logo came to me while drawing on the proverbial “napkin” while having dinner at a local Sizzler’s. Since then people have referred to my business as 2-3, 3-2-1, 3-3, 1-2-3, and other mathematical sequences. So for those who are curios, 3-2 represents “rumba clave”, the musical phrase that is the foundation of Afro-Cuban music. The idea of the logo is to draw the attention of those who are familiar with Afro-Cuban jazz; sort of a “aha I get it” revelation. The cap created has the clave rhythm spelled out underneath the logo which is actually “3-2 rumba clave“. I enjoy the reaction from musician friends when they figure out the connection between the logo and rhythm. It is also amusing to have other musicians not familiar with clave to “sight sing” the rhythm as they read your forehead. You might be surprised at the variation in music reading abilities. Using a bit of subterfuge, you could use the cap a “screening” process when looking for a sub for your next gig 😉